Category: Work

  • How to Create a CSR for an iOS Distribution Certificate



    Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is an essential step for obtaining an iOS Distribution certificate, which you need to sign and distribute your iOS apps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process. Step 1: Open Keychain Access First, open the “Keychain Access” application on your Mac. You can find it in…

  • Setting up Push-to-Deploy with git – Kris Jordan


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    I first set up a push-to-deploy system with git and puppet for a side project a few years back. It worked so well I transitioned my company’s development process onto it for all of our new projects starting last year. It offers the simplicity of the “push-to-deploy” model Heroku pioneered, with full control and flexibility…

  • How to tar a directory and only include certain file types

    How to tar a directory and only include certain file types

    find myProjectDirectory -type f \( -name \*\.php -o -name \*\.js -o -name \*\.css -o -name \*\.inc \) | xargs tar -rf myProjectTarName.tar

  • How to change file or folder permissions recursively with chmod

    How to change file or folder permissions recursively with chmod

    To set only files that end with .tpl to 600 (pattern escaped with slashes) find . -name \*\.tpl -exec chmod 600 {} \;

  • Facebook Conversion Tracking Prestashop Module

    The Facebook Conversion Tracking Prestashop Module. Need to track your ROI from Facebook Ads? With this easy to use Prestashop module you can. This module automatically adds the tracking conversion code when a customer makes a purchase so you can measure if your Ads are working. You can download the Facebook Conversion Tracking Prestashop Module…

  • Don’t Make Squirrel Burgers

    Don’t Make Squirrel Burgers



    Your manager comes to you and says “Hey, Joe.  Let’s talk.  I need to get a new system developed to keep track of our help desk calls.  It needs to have a slick user-interface that is easy to navigate, it needs to be fast, and also we need integration with SAP.”  You ponder what the system…

  • Holding a Program in One’s Head

    Holding a Program in One’s Head



    by Paul Graham August 2007 A good programmer working intensively on his own code can hold it in his mind the way a mathematician holds a problem he’s working on. Mathematicians don’t answer questions by working them out on paper the way schoolchildren are taught to. They do more in their heads: they try to…

  • Changing Gears

    Changing Gears



    It’s been a crazy and busy week for me. It’s the holiday season, and it’s getting pretty busy at work. Just found out this week that we are going to be losing a developer. So that means the rest of us programmers are going to get slammed. Just to give you an example, this week…